About Me

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i am still becoming who i will eventually be. for now i am a reader, a wisher, an amateur in many things, and a wayfarer (at least in my mind)



words are amazing beings. i say beings and not things because words seem to have a life of their own oftentimes. they describe themselves infinitely and describe each other in endless combination.

i leave for school on monday (which is tomorrow in 8ish minutes). and i should be excited, nervous, emotional in some degree. but i find myself undecidedly unaffected. instead i am thinking on the power of the written word. words preserve so much! they can express something that, spoken, would be indescribable. when we write, we can be whoever we want to be and say things that otherwise, un-disguised by our words, would go unsaid. to write is to become,and in the becoming, merge ourselves with who we cannot be or who we would never want to be in real life.

words can also be incredibly destructive and, when used wrongly, can put the wrong meaning the right idea. it's kind of scary how powerful words can be; scary and yet brilliant.

well, i am done with my rant for the night. thanks for putting up with me!

the outfit in this post is one i wore weeks ago that i neglected to post. i likes it though. it's prettyful and bright and makes me feel whimsical--and if you hadn't noticed, the way i dress, the clothes i wear, have a lot to do with how they make me feel.

the end. or the beginning. depends on how you look at it, i suppose.

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