About Me

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i am still becoming who i will eventually be. for now i am a reader, a wisher, an amateur in many things, and a wayfarer (at least in my mind)



words are amazing beings. i say beings and not things because words seem to have a life of their own oftentimes. they describe themselves infinitely and describe each other in endless combination.

i leave for school on monday (which is tomorrow in 8ish minutes). and i should be excited, nervous, emotional in some degree. but i find myself undecidedly unaffected. instead i am thinking on the power of the written word. words preserve so much! they can express something that, spoken, would be indescribable. when we write, we can be whoever we want to be and say things that otherwise, un-disguised by our words, would go unsaid. to write is to become,and in the becoming, merge ourselves with who we cannot be or who we would never want to be in real life.

words can also be incredibly destructive and, when used wrongly, can put the wrong meaning the right idea. it's kind of scary how powerful words can be; scary and yet brilliant.

well, i am done with my rant for the night. thanks for putting up with me!

the outfit in this post is one i wore weeks ago that i neglected to post. i likes it though. it's prettyful and bright and makes me feel whimsical--and if you hadn't noticed, the way i dress, the clothes i wear, have a lot to do with how they make me feel.

the end. or the beginning. depends on how you look at it, i suppose.


au revoir pour maintenant

well, i must leave again. i am headed to st. louis for a very good friend's wedding and to spend some time with my best friend in the whole world--kelly sue! needless to say, i am very very excited and very much looking forward to the trip. but alas, this again takes me away from this loverly internet world (hehe).

so today, i will be posting pictures of an outfit that incorporates some more of my favorite things.

my tan wedge heels, which make me feel all tall and elegant--a rare feeling for someone who tops out at 5'3".

a jean vest i picked up for THREE DOLLARS which i wear alllllll the time...it's comfy. and the coral tank top is not exactly "special" but i absolutely adore the color. it makes me all happy and smiley and confident.

and then there is the heart pendant--very '80's and lots of sparkly fun! i like to think it goes with anything. maybe that's just wishful thinking, but i like wishful thinking. that's probably why i agree with the peter pan ideal: 'i do believe in fairies.' now, say it with me, "i DO believe in fairies!"

and on that note, i bid you au dieu, until next time.


well, hai ther!

hello all!
it's been quite a long while since i've written, and for that, i am most sorry!

when i left you last, i was on my way off to michigan (which was amazingly loverly!), and i promised to post about my finds from a goodwill thrift shop stop.

i love old china; i suppose i am somewhat of a collector, and i found some beeea-u-ti-ful pieces at goodwill--my favorite being a dinner plate from bavaria.

also, i found the most wonderful pair of turquoise wedge sandals from the '80's. it was a good day.

on another note (and as you may have noticed already), i have had a big thing for wearing flowers in my hair this summer. it makes me feel light-hearted. and light-heartedness is priceless. i so much appreciate anything that helps me forget the doldrums and brings me into a better mindset. flowers in my hair, sun flares in my eyes, watermelon juice on my chin, flip flops on my feet...summer at it's best. one of my favorite summer songs right now is "all summer long" by kid rock. don't know why, but it makes me feel really good when i listen to it, so have a listen if you get a chance! summer is slipping away faster than i can keep up with, and part of me wishes it could go on forever, but as with everything, it must come to an end. change is inevitable. here comes fall.