About Me

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i am still becoming who i will eventually be. for now i am a reader, a wisher, an amateur in many things, and a wayfarer (at least in my mind)


au revoir pour maintenant

well, i must leave again. i am headed to st. louis for a very good friend's wedding and to spend some time with my best friend in the whole world--kelly sue! needless to say, i am very very excited and very much looking forward to the trip. but alas, this again takes me away from this loverly internet world (hehe).

so today, i will be posting pictures of an outfit that incorporates some more of my favorite things.

my tan wedge heels, which make me feel all tall and elegant--a rare feeling for someone who tops out at 5'3".

a jean vest i picked up for THREE DOLLARS which i wear alllllll the time...it's comfy. and the coral tank top is not exactly "special" but i absolutely adore the color. it makes me all happy and smiley and confident.

and then there is the heart pendant--very '80's and lots of sparkly fun! i like to think it goes with anything. maybe that's just wishful thinking, but i like wishful thinking. that's probably why i agree with the peter pan ideal: 'i do believe in fairies.' now, say it with me, "i DO believe in fairies!"

and on that note, i bid you au dieu, until next time.

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