About Me

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i am still becoming who i will eventually be. for now i am a reader, a wisher, an amateur in many things, and a wayfarer (at least in my mind)



So, I'm really tired right now. And i would write in my journal but i'd rather write on here right now. Not really sure why...just one of those things i suppose. maybe it's because it's faster to type things than hand write them. sometimes i wish life were actually harder for us, for me. I was thinking about that awhile back when my family had no power for a day and a half. it was so difficult to function without electricity. it was almost to the point of being sad. and then tonight, i was watching the new show Jericho--about an attack on the US...well, you'd have to see it. anyway, the town has no power whatsoever except from generators and they are at each other's throats, hoarding gas, on the brink of de-humanizing themselves to get a little bit of control over the situation. i know this idea is not new. but seriously, think about the implications of this: our easy lifestyle, our society's advancements can very easily be turned around on us; from being good and helpful, to being de-humanizing, enabling, et cetera. just a thought. that i'm sure someone else has thought before.

that's another odd thing: can there really be an original thought anymore? humanity has existed for such a long time, there have been so many humans, and therefore uncountable human thoughts. so, how long before these thoughts are no longer original? just curious. interesting thoughts for someone about to go to sleep huh? maybe they'll help me get to sleep! ha!
well, this is my first post. I am on here solely for a friend. And I don't suppose anyone else will really read these posts--which is a good thing! maybe then I can truly write. And not just poetry, but other things as well. And no one will care or know the difference.